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Writer's picture: Sean PerezSean Perez

This industry is one big game with plenty of unwritten rules. But you gotta be in it to win it. So why take yourself out?


Send outs are a great way for your buyers to know who you are and what you are up to. A number of Casting Directors will have instructions on their sites specifically how to submit your material to them. Whether you are represented or freelance, all actors should be doing send outs. Every time you have booked a role, let them know. Any time you've been cast in a play, send them tickets. When a show or film you've shot is airing, let them know. The more your buyers get to know your work and see what you can do, the better your relationship with them will be. Always be sure to let your rep know that you are contracting that particular CD just to keep them in the loop.


Always attend the auditions your rep gets you. Fair enough if you don't feel like you're right for the role however your rep and clearly casting does, otherwise you wouldn't be requested to come in - no one has the time for that. What is important about this request is that you're going in the room. The more often you get in the room, the quicker and better casting is going to know you and your work. And if you book the room rather than the job, then you're memorable enough to be considered for other work meaning you're on that CD's mind - that's exactly what you want!


More often than not, fear plays a big part in actor's not playing the game. What if I annoy the CD? What if they don't like me? What if I screw up in the room? Remember, a CD is on your side. They want you to be as amazing as possible because you'll make them look amazing to their buyers. They not above you nor are they beneath you - they're your equal. Like a good dance, there's going to be a leader and a follower. In this case, the CD is leading you with the direction they've been provided by their buyers (the producer) and you're following based on the direction the CD gives you. Both are equal status - no one is more important than the other and both just want to be amazing for each other. So don't let your fear take yourself out of the game.

Instead, know the CD is in your corner, fighting for you, wanting you to do well. Just like your agent is.


  • Send your materials to. your buyers - ONLY when you have something to update them with.

  • Get into the audition room and book the room.

  • Allow your buyers to get to know you and your work.

  • Don't take yourself out of the game.

  • Play the game - as long as you're in it, you're already winning.

  • Don't allow fear to hold you back.

  • Take the plunge and believe in yourself because your buyers want you to do well.

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