There are many tools of the trade that we need. However these tools also evolve with the industry.
In the 90's, actors had Demo Tapes where they would literally record their scenes from the TV onto a VHS tape and make copies of those tapes to send to their reps and casting.
In the 2000's, actors had "Showreels" which would be a collection of clips - both booked work and self tape style - on DVDs which would be sent to their reps and casting.
In 2010's, the Speed Reel made a short appearance in an effort to maximise effectiveness being at 1 min.
This didn't last long as a few years later, clips became (and still is becoming) the main tool to be used. Clips allow for short, sharp and specific submissions whenever a breakdown is released. By submitting a specific clip to a breakdown to casting, you are targeting key components of the breakdown to show casting that you can play the briefed role, therefore if your clip hits all the points, casting don't have an excuse to decline you an audition.
So you need to build yourself a clip library so both your reps and buyers have access to see the range of roles that you can play and they have a choice as to what to watch, so ensure that you're labelling your clips clearly.

Depending on your market, you can store your clip library on Actors Access, Casting Networks, ShowCast, etc. You can even have your own Video Channel and let it act as a mini website on Vimeo or YouTube. Just be smart about branding, labelling, playlists, etc.
Showreels are still used these days but it is currently evolving, in that there are 2 types of reels that are current right now.
Showreel - Compilation of clips (both booked and self tape style) to showcase range & castability. Usually around the 2 min mark. This is starting to phase out.
Producers Reel/ Demo Reel - Compilation of BOOKED (usually network/ streaming/ feature and or Award winning film) work, similar to the Demo Reels of the 90's - only digital and online. Can be as long as it needs to be. It's called a producer's reel because this is what is sent to Producers who want to see more work to help them make a decision before casting an actor. This is starting to take priority.
Different markets will require different needs.
For example:
UK - Showreels only. No clips.
AUST - Showreels starting to phase out, though still heavily used. Clips are being used and starting to become the norm.
USA - Clips are the norm. Producers reels are becoming standard. Showreels are used sometimes - moreso by the actor as a marketing tool.
You can also have more specific reels depending on your market, how your team want to sell you and how you want to market yourself. Some other reels your may have are:
Accent Reels
Genre Reels
Skill Based Reels
CLIPS - Effective for submissions & targeting the breakdown. Your clip library should be able to showcase your range if labelled and organised effectively.
REELS - Producer's Reel is becoming the norm to create.
Know your market.
Speak to your rep and see what they require.