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If I am already represented by an agent but want to start submitting to others, how can I go about doing that without potentially creating a bad reputation for either myself or my current agent?


Let’s say for argument’s sake, you want to change agents for the right reason (as WHY YOU SHOULD LEAVE YOUR AGENT) as that’s another post in itself, you don’t have to explain as to why you’re wanting to change agents, at least not in your initial email.

Basically, you’ve got two ways of changing agents.


While you are currently represented, go through the motions as if you aren’t represented by emailing your package to prospective agents and having a conversation with them until they call you in for an interview. At your interview, that’s when I would reveal that you are currently represented and looking for new rep. as in the initial email, it’s not required information at that time. In actual fact, sometimes it can be a hinderance - I know in the past, whenever I’ve had applications state they’re looking for new rep, I would question as to WHY they are looking for new rep, especially if I know that their current agent has a good reputation. If the agent you have targeted agrees to take you on, then I would send an email to your former agent letting them know of the change of hands.


You could reverse the above process and leave your current agent, thus while freelancing you can search out new representation.

Both have their pros and cons and everyone will prefer one option over the other depending how business savvy they are, thus there is no right or wrong way to go about this as this is not a light decision to make. This is because the agent/client relationship is exactly that - a relationship, especially because your agent has invested so much time (that hasn’t been paid for) searching for opportunities for you and this is something that you’ll have to start from square 1 again with a new agent.

Of course, especially in the U.S, this has to happen if you want to get larger roles as certain agencies are on certain tiers, so this has to happen at some point however here in Australia, most agents will get briefs/breakdowns which cover all tiers of roles pending on who they have in their network.


  • Am I wanting to change representation for the right reasons?

  • Do I have a list of agents I want to target?

  • Are my materials up to date and effective selling tools?

  • Which option am I choosing to follow?

  • Am I prepared to build a new relationship from the ground up?

Feel free to say "Hi" to Diana at

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